Sunday, April 27, 2008

Potty Training

All week we have been doing serious potty training, and we're proud to report that Catherine made it all day today in underpants without any accidents! We even went to a friend's birthday party, and she used the bathroom four times while we were there. I was slightly embarrassed when she came back to the party once, and loudly announced, "I pooped!" However, pretty much everyone there has a toddler, so they thought it was funny. She still is wearing a diaper at night, but this puts us down to just one diaper a day. There is a very, very silly song and dance we do every time she successfully uses the potty, and she has started doing the routine when she sees that I have gone. We're quite excited about this: that is her using the potty, not the song and dance because we can, too!


Peggy Weddendorf Ministries said...

Wow! Major accomplishment! I'd love to see a video of the dance. That has to be hysterical.

Laura Williams said...

WOOOHOOOO!!!! thats terrific!!! getting down to one diaper a day is AWESOME. we are USUALLY down to one diaper (or PullUp) a day, at nighttime - but the annoying thing, is that now if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and he's wet, he wants to be changed - so now i am getting up in the middle of the night to change diapers again! ARRGGGHHH!!!! (although you'll be doing that again soon enough anyway!!!) ;)

mommet said...

Be it Super Why or Potti, Catherine
is such a delight in all she does. I so enjoy the pics and comments, Elizabeth =) - love you.