So I had a recent parent experience that has once again demonstrated
why trying to use adult logic when dealing with children is a mistake.
On Thursday Catherine and I went to the mall with my friend and her
daughter. We had had been to the park and had lunch prior to going to
the mall, and right before we left the restaurant I changed Catherine.
When we got to the mall we were just going to run in to go to The
Children's Place, so I decided, using my adult brain logic, that I did
not need to drag the diaper bag in with me since Catherine had just
been changed not more than 10 minutes ago. Much to my misfortune,
Catherine had a blow out diaper as we were leaving the store. There was
poop everywhere. I had no diaper bag, hence no diapers, no wipes, no
change of clothes. Fortunately, my friend could supply me with all the
necessaries, but nothing could make me feel any less than an idiot .
Really, who takes a baby anywhere without the diaper bag?! I guess an
inexperienced parent! Believe me I will not be heading anywhere ever
again with out the entire arsenal.