Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Toddler Crazies

In the past week and a half or so the horrible stage of MINE MINE MINE has begun in our house. Everything from a doll that actually is hers to the salt shaker she found in the cabinet gets the MINE label stamped to it. It is particularly frustrating when she is quietly playing with something such as my underwear and I ask for them. Her normally pretty little face gets all scrunched up and distorted into someone I hardly recognize as she yells, "no, mine! My panties!" Trying to reason with her makes matters worse, and just simply taking the object in question hurts her feelings. I started to wonder how it is that any children make it through this phase with out being seriously hurt by their parents, then while sitting on the potty holding a spoon and fork ( yes a MINE incident I didn't feel like battling) she started singing the theme song to Super Why! while making the fork and spoon dance together; however, instead of saying "Super Why" she said "Super Fork". When I asked her what she had said, because I was sure I misunderstood, she started laughing and clearly said it again. So I asked what Super Fork's super power was, and she said "eat." Then she sang the theme song again and it sounded like this:
Super Fork...humming...Super Fork...humming...power to eat...friends need...
Needless to say, I started laughing, and realized how it is that we get through the ugliness unscathed.