We are amazed at how quickly children can accomplish new tasks. Three days ago, if put on the floor on her tummy, Catherine would just lay there wiggling her arms and legs and cry until one of us picked her up and carried her across the room. If she was feeling extremely ambitious, she might decide to log roll her way across the room, or get on her hands and knees for a good bounce or two. However, on the 19th, she decide enough was enough and started crawling. It was laborious, and not very pretty, but it was most definately crawling. Then yesterday, she crawled the enitre length of our living room, over to the banister, and pulled herself up all the way to standing. How does a child go from being entirely immobile to standing herself up in two days?! Absolutely amazing!
My family was also here for a visit last week, and we got some of these adorable pics.