Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Birthday Boy

It occurred to me as I was making the train post, that a birthday post was never made. Man has this mom been shirking! Chase celebrated his first birthday on November 15th with a low key party at home with his NC family. There were balloons, music, presents and of course, cake. The most notable event of the evening was the striptease the birthday boy preformed
The evening started out in an out fit nice enough. Shortly after, it was decided that the shirt had to go. By the time we got to presents there were no pants to be found. Ironically, this box was full of adorable clothes from his grandparents in TN.

Some of the action was caught on film, but the camera (wo)man was too busy laughing to hold the camera proper. More photos can be viewed at our Flickr site.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trains, Trains, Trains!

On behalf of our children, who are yet unable to type, we would love to thank all who contributed to the train table, or the collective table of happiness, as we call it. There have been several morning cups of coffee enjoyed while still hot, so this is also a gift for parents. The kids pulled their gift cards (many thanks for these, too!) for Wii Sports Resort, and oh my, I'm not sure how long it has been since we have laughed so hard. Catherine is getting really good at some of the games, while Chase dances to the music and affectionately shakes his wiimote at the television. As a matter of fact, he is so attached to the wiimote he insisted on taking it to his crib during nap this afternoon. My mom has been visiting all week, so there should be some awesome, and abundant photos/videos available soon..