Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Diaper-Free House is on the Horizon

I can see it.

At first it was like a mirage shimmering in the distance.  A house free of diapers.  The expense, the stench, the battle, all gone. One morning about two weeks ago, my 21 month old son dragged the training toilet into the living room where his sister and I were watching an episode of Curious George, and said, "Poop!"  Since I'm a fly by the seat of your pants kind of girl, I thought why not, took off his diaper and sat him down on the toilet.  Of course, nothing happened but the little man sat there for the next twenty minutes watching George, trying his best, until finally he peed.  I was amazed.  He was amazed.  His sister was amazed.  We all did a dance, cheered wildly, and sang a song.

That was two weeks ago.  This morning, after a four day streak of no accidents in underpants, he woke up with a dry diaper.  He immediately asked for the toilet and his Aquaman underpants.  He took a trip to the mall with his dad, played all day, had a nap, and still no accident.  Then this evening, as he played on his new bean-bag chair with his sister, she announced, "I smell poop!"  Figuring the streak of good fortune had been broken, I ran over to what I was sure to be a total disaster, to find exactly the opposite.  My son had taken off his pants and used the training toilet (yes it is just sitting in the play room) all on his own!

The mirage is shimmering less and taking on true form.  Now I can almost reach out and touch it:  a diaper-free home.

Toilet Time

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another Mother's Dilemma

Bet I could run an entire series of Mother's Dilemmas posts.

My most recent dilemma came about yesterday as I went shopping for underpants for my son who is toilet training. This most likely shouldn't be a difficult task, however my son is quite young to be training (21 months) and he is on the small side (22 lbs). The smallest underpants I could find were 2/3T with the weight range starting at 27 lbs. I started thinking about how I didn't remember having this problem when I trained my daughter at 20 months, so I checked the girls underpants to discover the 2/3T weight range starts at 20 lbs.

The dilemma:

Do I buy my son underpants that fit, but are pink, or do I buy underpants for boys that are too big? How is one supposed to make such difficult decisions??

After much going back and forth, much more than probably should be admitted, I decided to go with the boy pack. He is already on the small side, so the last thing his pride needs is to be caught in girls underpants. And, he will eventually grow into them, right?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Mother's Dilemma

A few weeks ago, as I came down the stairs I noticed the the wood below the banister was in much need of a good dusting. So, I made a mental note, and like many mothers of small children, I immediately forgot. Last week on my house cleaning day it dawned on me

Hey, go dust upstairs.

So, I grabbed my dust cloth, ran up stairs fully prepared to eliminate the dust and rid my family of embarrassment, when I discovered my daughter had begun writing her name with her finger in the dust. Quite clearly it reads, "CATH". Now, as summer comes to an end and we prepare for a trip and two weeks of house guests, I am faced with the dilemma: leave the embarrassing dust, or destroy my daughter's endearing mark.

Oh, who am I kidding. This is the age of digital images. Time to take a picture, and clean the dust!