Today Catherine realized she can go any where she wants in the house. It was so amusing to watch her make this discovery. I was getting dressed in the bedroom and she crawled out of the room and down the hall to my purse to play. I watched her for a few minutes then went to wash my face. When I came back out, she had finished going down the hall and into her bedroom to play with her toys. She had such a proud look on her face! It is so nice not to have to hold her every minute of the day anymoe. My back and arms are so greatful that she is now willing to spend some time playing on her own! We have some photos from Mother's Day that we took at the baseball game, but are having some technical difficulties getting them uploaded. I will poste them as soon as they become available. Until then, here are a couple from a few days ago when she was chasing me around the house carrying the camera bag.

1 comment:
Look at you! Exploring on your own. You are so cute! Thanks for the smile.
Love you.
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