Monday, November 24, 2008

The whole family

The whole family
Originally uploaded by laraim23
So I finally got some pictures from the hospital uploaded to our Flickr site. If I don't have you marked as friend or family, let me know so I can do so, and you can see the photos!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Which baby is which?

Side by side pictures of Catherine and Chase in their car seats on the day they came home from the hospital. See any family resemblance?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fame and glory

So it looks like the fame goes to Andrea, for her guess of November 12th (closest to November 15th). And the glory goes to me, for my guess of 7lbs 13oz (closest to 7lbs 14oz).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chase is born

William Chase, born at 6:00pm today, weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Absolutely no problems with him or his delivery!

baby inc

We're at Durham Regional, and we have been assured that E is in early labor and that Chase is coming! It will probably be quite a while still.

Our home phone is not working today (a big storm last night knocked out our phone/internet service). You can text me if you'd like, but I'll post more info here.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Comfy Baby

So our little one is apparently quite comfortable where he is. During an ultrasound yesterday, we saw him chillin' out sucking his fingers quite avidly. I think we must have a finger-sucking gene.

I'm scheduled for induction on Wed. morning.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I got angry at the clerks at E's ob/gyn appointment today (long story short --- skipping lunch and trying to amuse a tired, hungry toddler for two hours with no toys, no entertainment, and no snacks while in the waiting room can try one's patience). After, ahem, sternly requesting an update from them on what was going on, Catherine was looking at me inquisitively, so I told her, "Daddy lost his temper." To which she responded, quite confidently, "I help you find it."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama Obsession?

This morning while getting dressed to go to the park, Catherine and I had the following conversation:

Catherine: We go park, Mommy?
Mommy: Yes.
Catherine: We meet friends at playground?
Mommy: No, we're not expecting to see our friends. We might make some new ones, though.
Catherine: We meet Barack Obama at playground?
Mommy: I seriously doubt that. He's still a senator until he takes over being President in January. He is a very busy man.
Catherine: He is my new president. I just voted.
Mommy: Yes, that is right, we just voted and he will be the new President.

Think we have been talking about politics in our house much lately??

My Friend, Lan

Tonight Bill ran over to our friend Lan's house to pick up some dvds, and while he was gone Catherine asked me where he went. So, I told her he went to Lan's house, and she said, "I see Lan a long time ago. I like Lan. She is my good friend."

For the record, we agree with Catherine. =)

Monday, November 10, 2008


At dinner, Elizabeth asked Catherine, "Do you know who the new president is?"

Catherine's response: "Barack Obama."

Anyone else think she's going to be too smart for us?

False alarm!

Nope, no labor, so we're back home now. I'll keep y'all posted.

labor check

We're at Chapel Hill for a labor check, since E has been having contractions this morning. I promise to add a new post here, one way or the other, when we have more info. :-)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

No baby

No, we have no baby. There is no promising evidence of baby in the immediate future. We will make a post when we leave for the hospital. I promise any out of town family that we will NOT have a baby and forget to tell you.

Monday, November 03, 2008

I have a plan

To answer the most popular question, yes, Catherine dressed up for Halloween, and yes we have pictures. No, they have not yet been uploaded. They will be, sometime in the near future...hopefully. =)

On an entirely different subject, tonight, while trying to convince Daddy to play "running-running" with her, the following conversation took place:

Catherine: Daddy, you want to play running-running?
Daddy: How about snuggling?
Catherine: No, play running-running, Daddy.
Daddy: I want to snuggle.
Catherine: I have a plan. First we play running-running, then we snuggle.
Daddy: (Not fully understanding the first sentence) Play running-running, then snuggle?
Catherine: Yes, first running-running, then snuggle. Sound like a plan?

Mommy and Daddy both burst into laughter as we have not heard her say this saying before. For the record, it is a phrase Daddy frequently uses when speaking to her.