Friday, February 26, 2010

A Wagon Ride


Today, despite the chilly temperature, we went for a wagon ride.  It has been a week of runny noses, coughs, fevers and all other sort of illness uglies.  The kids were feeling better, the house was scrubbed from top to bottom, and  we were all about to rip each other to shreds when mom had an idea:  a wagon ride.  All bundled up with blankets and lollipops to boot.  It was the perfect solution to the end of a week long of sickness.  The ride was filled with the silliest game of I Spy that has been played to date, songs, and much giggling.

While writing this post  I realized there were so many physical representations of love in the above photo, I couldn't help myself from pointing them out.

We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful friends and family.

1 comment:

mommet said...

Gee,see what I've been missing. I only just saw these precious pictures, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing these priceless clips. =) love always, gramma Ellen =)