Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nothing but love for the parents

On occasion I have been known to get frustrated with my mother when I ask her advice on how she handled certain situations that required discipline. She frequently insists that I never talked back, had tantrums, or did anything other than be a perfect child. Aside from the fact, which I've come to accept, that there is something about being a mother makes you slightly crazy, it seems doubtful my mother is accurate in her recollection of my behavior. Recently we have had some experiences I'd like to share that might explain the reason my mom seems to only remember a perfect child.

Yesterday when Bill was getting ready for work he said to Catherine, "Do you know what tomorrow is?"
"What tomorrow, Daddy?"
"Tomorrow is Saturday. That means Daddy doesn't go to work."
"You no leave us, Daddy?"
"How exciting!" exclaimed Catherine.

Tonight while snuggling on the couch and playing a game of "eat-the-toddler" Catherine asked me to not eat her because she was not "nutritious food". We giggled, then she said, "Don't eat Daddy or Grandma either." I asked her why not and she said, "Because they are special." I said, "They are?" She so sweetly replied, "Yes, they are special. I love them. Don't eat them, Mommy." Who can argue with that logic? Needless to say, Daddy and Grandma remain uneaten.

So, you ask me, has Catherine had any tantrums yet this weekend, and how did we discipline her? I cannot remember.

1 comment:

Trish said...

I'm sure you are right that "perfect" may not be the correct adjective. Facts are true, never did you have a tantrum that I am sure. I guess there was discipline but it must have been very little for me not to remember. "Big brown eyes"can make you forget the bad if you get my drift. Love ya!, MOM