Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sibling Companionship

For weeks now Catherine has been begging us to let Chase sleep in her room.  It has been a request denied over and over, since little brother still habitually wakes up around 11:00 p.m. every night for a good five minute scream.  Yesterday while I was dressing, Chase was hanging out in his crib and Catherine played in his room.  There was much giggling that rapidly increased in volume and when I went to the room I discovered the source of all the laughter:  Catherine had climbed in his crib.

Since then the request for Chase to sleep in her room has been nonstop.  Badgering might be the best word to describe it.  So this evening we decided to give it a try.  The excitement was high, bed time stories were read, children were tucked in, and then the crying began.  First it was Chase, then it was Catherine.  Oh well, it was worth a try.  Perhaps if the request is made again, we'll give a shot in a few months.  Until then, separate rooms for a good night sleep.

Or as good of a nights sleep as one can get when one sleeps in these positions. 

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