Monday, July 30, 2007

New Shoes

I mentioned in the previous post that we got Catherine some new shoes, and she loves them, but I didn't really stress exactly how much she loves them. They day we bought them, she fussed, and fussed until I took them out of the box and put them on her. She was wearing them before we left the mall. This was Thursday. Every day since, when we get up in the morning, she grabs them off the shelf as I change her diaper, and starts trying to put them on her feet (often her attempts end with them on her head!) Saturday morning she was crawling around playing in nothing but a diaper and her shoes. She gets upset with us if we try to take them off for her nap, so she has been wearing them literally from the time she wakes up until she gets into the bath before bed. Yesterday we had some friends over for dinner, and she spent a good amount of time showing her shoes to each guest, then later in the evening she occupied herself by going through our friends purses and shoes. What can we say, she is a stereotypical girl already loving her shoes and handbags!


Elisabeth said...

That is so adorable! And hey, those shoes are really cute. If I had shoes that cute, I might want to sleep with them on too.

Trish said...

That is an adorable story. I can just picture her showing off those new shoes. Can't wait to see all of you.
Love to all!