Saturday, July 07, 2007

Catherine Playing WoW

Poor Catherine doesn't stand a chance of not being a geek! Look at her playing WoW with her Daddy at the kitchen table. She was so excited and kept laughing hysterically. This is something I should have caught on video!


Trish said...

Quality Daddy time. It is precious. And look at that hair!!What a cute photo. Counting the days till we see all of you. xoxoxoxo

Peggy Weddendorf Ministries said...
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Peggy Weddendorf Ministries said...

It looks like Bill has mastered the "knack" of being a Daddy. It's like walking and chewing gum at the same time. He'll be multi-tasking the rest of his life.

I hate typos. I had to delete my earlier comment. There's a big difference between the words "tasking" and "taking."